Written by Jennifer Sissons:


My heart yearns to explore worlds unknown. It wanders in search of that all-encompassing sensation I find nearly impossible to describe.

A few weeks ago, I was out on a business lunch, enjoying light conversation that eventually turned to travel. At some point, it occurred to me that I had never seen a desert. This hadn’t concerned me in the past, and yet I suddenly found myself horrified by the thought. As though for the first time, I then realized that I hadn’t seen the Amazon Rainforest either. Illogical concerns, to say the least. But in that moment, a part of me had woken up and was deeply offended that there was an entire world accessible to me that I was making no effort to explore. It stated clearly and unapologetically: Forget about all this nonsense, get out there and live. Reflecting on this experience, I know it’s not about the desert, nor the Amazon. It’s about living in such a way that makes me feel alive.

This then begs the question: What is it that makes me feel alive? If I were free to follow my heart, where would it lead me? The answer is simple: I’d return to France, to live and to learn to speak French. The reality is much less simple. My lifestyle in Vancouver is comfortable and I’m finally in a place where I feel free to create it in a way that feels good. I see a life that I love unfolding and I don’t want to give it up. Not only that, I turn thirty in July, which has my logical brain up in arms that I still don’t have my shit together. In my mind, the idea of moving to France is reckless and lacking in purpose. And yet, I’m still not ready to give up on my heart, nor am I willing to take the risk that the doorway will close and leave me forever wondering what if. The truth is, I always knew I would follow my heart back there. So I’m moving to France. It’s as simple as that.

If you’re wondering how I intend to make this happen, I’ll be honest: For the most part, I don’t have a clue. I’m trusting that my mind will sort out the details now that my heart has chosen the destination. In the meantime, I’ll stay focused, let go of expectations and trust that everything is coming together as it should.

Does your heart yearn to explore a world unknown to you? If you find yourself waiting for the right moment, let me tell you that there isn’t one. There is never going to be a convenient time for you step away from what you know in order to explore that mysterious calling. If you want to make your dream a reality, you best claim it now. Don’t let your “someday” get away, only to be replaced by regret for the chance you didn’t take.

Once you’ve claimed it, be wary of seeking out permission, agreement or approval. These things will only serve to throw you off course by reminding you of all the reasons that held you back before. Tell only the people you trust will support you until you are rock solid with your intention to make it happen. Choose to let go of any fear of failing; remember that if you don’t get there, you weren’t meant to. But you were meant to try.

Following your heart off the well-worn path takes conviction, courage and a healthy dose of rebellion. If the yearning to wander is in your bones then don’t deny yourself the opportunity to live your life on purpose. Choose to live for those moments that make you feel alive. Cherish your wandering heart.

4 Responses


March 09, 2017

Check out workaway.com ! Something there may twig. Love you. G.

Mike haine
Mike haine

March 06, 2017

Well written Jennifer, very inspirational! I’m sitting in my driveway reading this as my vehicle defrosts before I drive to my day job. You almost talked me out of going!

Janice Pelletier
Janice Pelletier

March 05, 2017

You go girl! Make it happen! Your parents will be going to France instead of Mexico, they don’t really like it there anyway! Good luck in your adventures!!

Janice Pelletier
Janice Pelletier

March 05, 2017

You go girl! Make it happen! Your parents will be going to France instead of Mexico, they don’t really like it there anyway! Good luck in your adventures!!

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